Terms of revision surgery


Revision surgery shall be considered a normal occurrence, by which the result achieved during an earlier operation is improved. Revision surgery is a repeated surgical intervention after an initial operation. The patient shall be provided in person or online consultation with an Amber Surgery Partnering clinic/surgeon doctor before the revision surgery is agreed. If, during the consultation when the patient visits Amber Surgery partnering clinic, contraindication(s) to the performance of the revision surgery/intervention is/are identified, the patient’s travel, accommodation or other expenses shall not be compensated.

REVISION SURGERY AND/OR TREATMENT FREE OF CHARGE shall be provided in the clinic to patients for early postoperative complications, including:

seroma (in the facial area – evaluated individually, in other parts of the body – more than 100ml);

haematoma (specify the size – degree);

infection (fever, culture, higher level of blood markers indicating inflammation, other objective medical test data);

skin necrosis;

increased wound size (more than 1 cm in size);

ligature fistulas.

The clinic shall be consulted within the first 3 months after the surgery. The revision surgery/intervention shall be performed during a period of time agreed upon by Amber Surgery’s partnering clinic/surgeon and the patient. REMARK. The above-mentioned complications shall be confirmed by objective medical testing – results of a wound culture, results of blood tests, ultrasound test data and so on. The patient shall present medical records/copies proving such testing.


TREATMENT IN RETURN FOR A FIXED MINIMAL PAYMENT (from 500 to 600 EUROS) shall be provided to patients for late postoperative complications, including:

marked asymmetry (except preoperative asymmetry);

capsular contracture;

implant(s) dropping;

implant(s) wrinkling, rippling;

 implant(s) rupture;

 unwanted scarring (hypertrophic scar, keloid scar, scar expansion >5-10 mm);

recurrence of a condition (dropping of breasts/eyelids/eyebrows to the prior location, loosening of the muscles, confirmed by ultrasound testing);

nasal adhesions;

valve collapse.

The clinic shall be consulted within the first 12 months after the surgery. The treatment in return for a fixed minimal payment shall be performed during a period of time agreed by Amber Surgery partnering clinic or surgeon and the patient.


GUARANTEES (WARRANTIES) RELATED TO IMPLANTS shall be provided to patients in accordance with the conditions specified by the manufacturer of such implants.

Other conditions, for example, including that the patient does not like the shape of the body part, insufficient liposuction, loose skin, tangible/visible unevenness, loss of fat and so on, SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLICATIONS and a new treatment episode shall be charged the full price minus a 15 per cent discount. The full price of treatment shall also be charged to patients who choose at the time of revision (clause 1) or at the time of treatment for a fixed minimal price (clause 2) to receive additional health care services.

This REVISION POLICY SHALL NOT BE APPLIED if the following reasons are identified. Revision surgery/intervention may be necessary due to factors beyond the doctor’s control. This does not mean that the surgery was unsuccessful or that another doctor would have performed such surgery better. The reasons for insufficient results which depend on factors beyond the control of the doctor or of the medical institution may include:

Congenital difficulty with wound healing, characteristic of an individual. For example, keloid scars develop.

The result is negatively affected by the environment or style of life. For example, excessive exposure to the sun or smoking, use of alcohol or narcotics.

Failure to follow postoperative instructions, including limitations on activities or use of compression garments.

The surgical site is not cared for.

 Poor care of the skin, including lack of hygiene or serious abdominal bloating, due to which tissue may repeatedly stretch and become thin.

Weight fluctuation or pregnancy after the surgery.

Poor blood circulation, due to which healing may be prolonged or open wounds (sores) may develop.

Other surgical or non-surgical treatment may have been performed, which may have had an effect on the final result;

The patient’s body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30

On receiving and reading Policy on Surgery Revision will be deemed to have read and agreed to all conditions and provisions contained in this Policy